Pepper Nutrition

Peppers are relatively heavy feeders and produce optimally when supplied with enough nutrients, both macro, and micronutrient elements, throughout the crop season. A balanced nutrition can be achieved through basal and foliar fertilizer application.

Peppers are relatively heavy feeders and produce optimally when supplied with enough nutrients, both macro and micro nutrient elements, throughout the crop season.

A balanced nutrition can be achieved through basal and foliar fertilizer application.

Basal fertilizer, e.g. DAP, CAN and NPK are absorbed by the crop through the roots while foliar feeds are taken up through the crop’s foliage. They include OPTIMIZER, GOLDCHANCE, LAVENDER, and DIMIPHITE.

Depending on the levels of organic matter in the soil, manure should be applied.

Importance of a proper nutrition in pepper crop

  • Establishes a good early growth
  • Boosts yield and crop productivity
  • Ensures a continued strong growth
  • Improves fruit set and fruit retention
  • Minimizes flower and fruit abortion, prevents fruit deformities or storage problems
  • Boosts plant’s vigor
  • Improves fruit quality e.g. appearance, shape, flavour, taste etc.


Fertilizer application should be applied at the right time and right rate, considering the growth stage. For instance, excessive application of nitrogenous fertilizers especially during flowering and fruiting is not encouraged.

Early growth stage

This refers to the growth stage while crop is in the nursery, transplanted and just before it begins to grow vigorously.

  • Proper nursery management should be ensured when raising seedlings in the nursery. Drench soil with OPTIMIZER 20ml/20l. This helps to break seed dormancy, promote uniform germination and supply nutrients to the young plants. Seeds could also be soaked in Optimizer overnight.
  • To overcome transplanting shock, seedlings should be sprayed with OPTIMIZER 10ml/20l.
  • Newly transplanted seedlings are sprayed with GOLDCHANCE SUPER START 50g/20l, or LAVENDER 20ml/20l or PLANT SOUL 40ml/20l in the second week. These provide Phosphorous, among other nutrient elements, highly required in root formation and for rapid early crop development.
  • During this growth stage DAP is applied, which majorly provides Phosphorous.

Vegetative growth stage

This is the stage when crop begins photosynthesizing and is actively growing. It is during this time that the crop accumulates enough resources for use during the next growth and development phase.

  • Spray the crop with GOLDCHANCE SUPER GROWTH 50g/20l or LAVENDER 20ml/20l. These are rich in Nitrogen among other elements and encourage rapid foliage growth.
  • Top dress using CAN. Other nitrogenous basal fertilizers like N.P.K 23.23.0 can be applied at this stage in order to ensure the crop gets sufficient nutrients supply

Flowering, fruit set/development & maturity stage

During this stage, crop begins to form flower buds, flowers, and fruits.

Potassic fertilizers are highly recommended during this stage.

  • Spray the crop with GOLDCHANCE SUPER FLOWERS & FRUITS 50g/20l or DIMIPHITE 20ml/20l or LEGENDARY 40ml/20l or GREENPHITE 40ml/20l.
  • To prevent Blossom End Rot, spray FERRARI GOLD 60ml/20l which supplies enough Calcium to the crop, before the fruits form. It also improves the skin of the fruit for an increased shelf life.
  • Spraying VITABOR GOLD 30ml/20l and BIO DISTINCTION XTRA 20ml/20l also improves the quality and size of the fruit.
  • Apply potassium-rich basal fertilizers like N.P.K 17.17.17.


  • Spray OPTIMIZER 10ml/20l at any stage of growth and development to help boost the crop’s immunity, manage stress and to improve the general performance of the crop among other benefits.
  • All basal fertilizers and manure should be mixed with HUMIPOWER at the rate of 1kg Humipower into 50kg fertilizer or 1 ton of manure. Humipower helps to improve the nutrient uptake by the crop, stimulates growth, and improves soil structure besides other functions.
  • Whenever doing foliar sprays, always mix the foliar feed with INTEGRA 3ml/20l. This is a sticker, spreader, and penetrant which improves the absorption of the fertilizer by the foliage of the crop.
  • A repeat of foliar spray should be done on a weekly basis while still monitoring the crop performance.

Last updated on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 9:28 pm

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