Mango flower and fruit management

Mango is the most important fruit in the tropics. It’s consumption as both a fresh fruit and processed product has increased overtime leading to high demand hence the industry expanding in size and geographical location.
Mango Fruit Crop

Mango flower and fruit management

Mango is the most important fruit in the tropics. It’s consumption as both a fresh fruit and processed product has increased overtime leading to high demand hence the industry expanding in size and geographical location. The crop is now grown in variouscounties in Kenya.


Various varieties are cultivated with differences appearing in shape,colour,taste, fibre content, Seed size and pests and disease resistance. This varieties include;

  • Apple
  • Ngowe
  • Kent
  • Keitt
  • Tommy Artikins
  • Vandyke
  • Haden and sensation.

Maintainance Before flowering

Maintainance refers to management practices usually carried after establishment,either to maintain the canopy or increase production by removing old non producing branches. Prunning- its done to maintain the shape,size and canopy management. Either formative prunning done at the first year to ensure the right shape or structural Prunning which follows harvesting to improve yield and quality.

Major pests and diseases

During flower and fruit formation ,the risk of losing flowers and premature fruit and leaf fall is usually high when the mango crop is predisposed to either pests or disease infestation. Such challenges that would affect this include,

Mango fruit fly-fruit flies ( ceratitis spp) leads to more than 50% loss of mango fruits. Females lays eggs on the surface of fruits, the maggots penetrate and destroy the fruit leading to rotting and fruit fall. LEXUS 8mls or PROFILE 440EC (30ml) all mixed with INTEGRA ( 3 ml) is a perfect control for the flies.

Profile® 440EC
PROFILE® 440EC is an enhanced contact and stomach action Insecticide for foliar and stem application and is active particularly against sucking and chewing pests with broad spectrum long residual activity widely used in agriculture for controlling pests including aphids, thrips, whiteflies, spidermites, caterpillars, stem borer and leaf roller in a broad range of edible crops and ornamentals.

Mango seed weevil- mango seed weevil is spread by transportation of infested fruits which develops within the mango seeds. This damages the export quality of the fruits. It should be controlled from flower bud initiation using KINGCODE ELITE (10ml/20 lts) or LEXUS 8mls/20 lts.

Mango flower and fruit management- Greenlife Crop Protection Africa

Scales,mealybugs– This pests are noticed by visible honey dew /sootymold which leads to ants invasion reducing the quality of fruits due to gummy deposits and compromise on the colour and skin texture. Various insecticides are used with Emerald at a rate of 40 ml/20 litres. Others which can be used are LOYALTY at 20 g/20 litres.

Emerald® 200SL
EMERALD® 200SL is a highly effective systemic foliar insecticide with high residual effect, for controlling sucking insects in a wide range of agricultural crops and a termicide for building construction and fruit trees.

Gall midge-this are insect pests whose symptoms are seen as galls on the leaf surface, this galls affects the leaf photosynthetic ability leading to defoliation, leaf chlorosis and twig dieback.This pest may lead to total crop loss especially during flowering.

A spray of KINGCODE ELITE at 10ml/20 LTS of water prefarably after harvest and during Prunning to ensure pests  free plant during flowering.

PRESENTO 10g/20lts, RANGER 30 ml/20 lts or PROFIlE 440 EC at 30 ml/20 LTS are also available solutions for this damaging foliage pest. Good nutrition is also key to rnsure a pest free plant.

Powdery mildew- This is a fungal infection that attacks leaves,buds,flowers and young fruits leading to defoliation. The spread is fovoured by humid weather with infected areas covered by whitish powdery growth.

Its best controlled through a spray 3-5 times at an interval of 10 days from onset of flowers till flower set.

Antracnose- This is a fungal infection (Colletotricum spp) that attacks the fruits,leaves and twigs. Infected Flowers wither and die ,spots appear which enlarge to black spots on the fruit, compromising the quality and marketability of the fruits. Antracnose is best controlled through a spray of RANSOM 15 g/20 lts or ABSOLUTE 10mls + INTEGRA 3 ml/20 lt( added with either)With the best control coming after flower bud formation with a repeat of the spray every fortnight.

Absolute® 375SC
ABSOLUTE® 375SC is an enhanced excellent systemic fungicide with preventative and strong curative actions on a wide range of diseases in ornamentals, vegetables, fruits trees and cereals. It is absorbed by the plant and distributed quickly acropetal way.

Botrytis– This is another fungal infection very destructive on mangoes. Its commonly known as Grey mold and its the major cause of post harvest losses and rotting. Its characterized by drying of floral parts, fruit and also stems . RANSOM at 15g/20 lts or Absolute at rate 20 ml/20 lt effectively controls The infestation.

Mango Nutrition

Just like other crops, nutritional management is key to ensure a healthy, high yielding and quality fruits.

Boron deficiencies- the deficiency is particularly evidence during flowering leading to flower and fruit  abortion. it Improves fruit size and quality. Itss best controlled during preparation for flowering, in june , july with VITABOR GOLD at a rate of 30 ml/20 lts.

Vitabor Gold®
VITABOR GOLD® is a highly soluble, effective and cost efficient foliar fertilizer containing readily available Boron and Nitrogen for the plant. Its formulation includes the necessary additives for a perfect adherence in the leaves of the crops. It helps in the use of nutrients, regulates other nutrients and aids production of sugars and carbohydrates

Zinc deficiencies- zinc deficit leads to ‘little leaf symptom’ whereby the leafs become small and general dwarfness of the plant with a general Characteristic Of chlorotic foliage. Application of manure/organic matter and a spray of ZINCGOLD at a rate of 10 Ml in 20 litres.

Zinc Gold®
ZINC GOLD® is a sugar alcohol zinc foliar fertilizer with a special natural sugar alcohol chelating technique for leaf spraying to accelerate the absorption of zinc and make zinc which is difficult to move, move quickly in the plant and act directly on the growth centre, in a wide range of agricultural crops.

Root development/immunity booster- This is integral particulary at onset of rains to enhance feeding and plant immunity. Greenlife offers a complete foliar fertilizer 24:24 :18 enriched with hormones and micro elements, called LAVENDER at a rate of 20 ml/20 lts. Equally each spray should have incorporation of OPTIMIZER at a rate of 10-20 ml/20 litres water. Since Optimizer is a rich biostimulant packed with growth hormones which facilatate root and shoot development, boost plant immunity and stress management and rejuvenate the plant,its essential at every spray to increase vigour and manage physiological and environmental challeges.

OPTIMIZER® is a pure natural fermented seaweed Liquid bio-fertilizer enriched with chelating NPK and contains natural plant hormones (Auxins, Cytokinnins, Gibberellins), amino acids, alginic acid, mannitol, betaine, arachidonic acid, carbohydrates, vitamins, nucleotides, humic acids and counter – stress agents as well as macro-elements and microelements.

Fruit quality and Ripening- This is done to enhance fruit development, starch sugar conversion, odour,skin colour and texture of fruit. At this stage high K content is required and its got from GOLDCHANCE MULTI K or LAVENDER FRUIT and FLOWER .This is a super foliar rich in pottasium essential for fruit development, induction of ripening, shelf life , and colour of fruits.

Goldchance® Multi Super K
A high potassium fertilizer for boosting plants in the flowering & fruiting stages in coffee, vegetables/horticultural production(tomatoes, potatoes, chilli french beans, watermelons, onions & mangoes)

Last updated on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 1:34 pm

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