Mode of Action
Imidacloprid has contact and stomach poison action and works by interfering with the transmission of stimuli in the insect nervous system by causing a blockage of the nicotinergic neuronal pathway thus preventing acetylcholine from transmitting impulses between nerves, resulting in the insect’s paralysis and eventual death
Application Guide
In Roses, apply 0.5 g of Loyalty® 700WDG per litre of water evenly in watering can to seeding tray or seed bed 1 day before transplanting or 0.25 g per litre of water as a full cover foliar spray on 7-10 day intervals with maximum 4 applications per season.
In legumes, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Brasiccas, Chilli, Capsicum, Melons, Mango and Cucumber, apply 0.25 g per litre of water as a full cover foliar spray on 7-10 day intervals with maximum 2 applications per season.
In Onions, apply 0.25 g per litre of water as a full cover foliar spray on 7-10 day intervals with maximum 4 applications per season.
In Tobacco, apply 0.5 g per litre of water evenly in watering can to seeding tray or seed bed 1 day before/after transplanting or 0.25 g per litre of water as a full cover foliar spray.