They are minute, slender insects with fringed wings and unique asymmetrical mouthparts. Different thrips species feed mostly on plants by puncturing and sucking up the contents, although a few are predators.
Many thrips species are pests of commercially important crops. Some species of thrips are beneficial as pollinators or as predators of other insects or mites. In the right conditions, such as in greenhouses, many species can exponentially increase in population size and form large swarms because of a lack of natural predators coupled with their ability to reproduce asexually, making them an irritation to humans. Common pest found in greenhouses and indoor/ outdoor gardens, thrips damage plants by sucking their juices and scraping at fruits, flowers and leaves. Plant leaves may turn pale, splotchy, and silvery, then die. Injured plants are twisted, discolored and scarred.
They are extremely active, feed in large groups. They leap or fly away when disturbed. Host plants include onions, beans, carrots, squash and many other garden vegetables, and many flowers, especially gladioli and roses. Both adults and the wingless larvae are attracted to white, yellow and other light colored blossoms.
Thrips management is a matter of garden maintenance, reducing the places where thrips may breed, and requires removing plant debris while it’s still on the ground and green. Thrips lay their eggs in slits they cut in live plant stems. Vigilance, spotting problems early and responding to them, is also required. Check your plants for damage and clusters of the pests at the place where leaves are attached to stems. Don’t wait to take action. Blue sticky traps are helpful for monitoring adult populations.
Use the safest, most proven products
MAGNETO® 10 EC is a brand new natural herbal extract mixture insecticide containing Azadiractin and Matrine respectively. The active ingredient Azadiractin is found in commercial insect growth regulators. The key insecticidal ingredient found in the neem tree is Azadiractin, a naturally occurring substance that belongs to an organic molecule class called tetranortriterpenoids. It is structurally similar to insect hormones called “ecdysones,” which control the process of metamorphosis as the insects pass from larva to pupa to adult. Metamorphosis requires the careful synchrony of many hormones and other physiological changes to be successful, and Azadiractin seems to be an “ecdysones blocker.” It blocks the insect’s production and release of these vital hormones. Insects then will not molt, thus breaking their life cycle. Azadiractin may also serve as a feeding deterrent for some insects. Depending on the stage of life-cycle, insect death may not occur for several days. However, upon ingestion of minute quantities, insects become quiescent and stop feeding. Residual insecticidal activity is evident for 7 to 10 days or longer, depending on insect and application rate. Azadiractin is used to control whiteflies, aphids, thrips, fungus gnats, caterpillars, beetles, mushroom flies, mealybugs, leaf miners, gypsy moths and others on food, greenhouse crops, ornamentals and turf. Meanwhile, Matrine a natural plant agent, refined and produced from wild medical plants, such as Sophora Flavescent. Pure Matrine, the active ingredient, is white crystal, soluble in water and alcohol, infirm alkalescence, with very stable salt. Matrine acts on the nerve center system of pests to result in breath inhibition and motion imbalance. . MAGNETO® 10 EC has enhanced fast and effective control a broad range of insect pests on edible crops and ornamentals without any chemical residual concerns due to its 100% natural characteristics and the following benefits.
Enhanced fast effectiveness and broad spectrum MAGNETO® 10 EC is a highly effective insecticides containing 2 natural herbal ingredients with a broad spectrum of activity in the control of a wide range of insect pests in various crops.
Totally natural herbal extract for organic farming MAGNETO® 10 EC contains both natural herbal ingredients Azadiractin and Matrine. The residual of both Azadiractin and Matrine is short lived so its non-persistent nature makes it ideal for many applications. Hence, it is extremely suitable for organic farming without any concerns on residue and pre-harvest interval.
Excellent food and environmental safety MAGNETO® 10 EC is formulated in a new safe EC formulation, which has extremely low acute toxicity to humans which does not cause any hazards to applicators and end-users, and has excellent food safety when apply at recommended application rates, helping you neglecting residue MRL and PHI. Use at the rate of 0.5ml/l foliar application.