Nutrition in Garlic

Nutrition in Garlic calls for frequent applications of fertilizer in order to produce the highest yields and the largest, best quality bulbs. A proper nutrition should be ensured by supplying the crop with both macro and micronutrient elements which is achieved by application of basal and foliar fertilizers.

Garlic requires frequent applications of fertilizer in order to produce the highest yields and the largest, best quality bulbs.

A proper nutrition should be ensured by supplying the crop with both macro and micronutrient elements which is achieved by application of basal and foliar fertilizers.

Basal fertilizers, e.g. DAP and CAN, are absorbed by the crop through the roots while foliar feeds e.g. OPTIMIZER and GOLDCHANCE are taken up through the foliage of the crop.

Soil analysis should be done in order to determine the amount of nutrients present before planting and manure can be added, depending on the organic matter levels of the soil.


The crop needs different nutrients levels and composition at different growth stages. Proper timing is very critical for best results.

Early growth stage

This is the period between planting about 2-3 weeks after the sprouting of the cloves.

The planting site should be drenched with OPTIMIZER 20ml/20l which helps in breaking dormancy and ensuring uniform sprouting.

In order to promote strong early growth, maximise root development, ensure good shoot growth and supply food reserves to the young crop, spray it with GOLDCHANCE SUPER START 50g/20l or LAVENDER 20ml/20l or VITABOR GOLD 30ml/20l or PLANT SOUL 20ml/20l

Application of DAP is very crucial during this stage.

Vegetative growth

During this time the crop is actively growing and making food in order to accumulate enough resources for utilization during bulbing.

To ensure continued growth and development, maintain vigorous, healthy leaf growth and to ensure that photosynthetic growth is not limited, spray the crop with GOLDCHANCE SUPER GROWTH 50g/20l or LEGENDARY 40ml/20l or LAVENDER 20ml/20l.

The size of the bulb is majorly dependent upon the health level of the green leaves or tops at the time of bulb maturity.

Top dressing is mostly done using CAN, although other basal fertilizers like NPK 23:23:0 could also be applied at this stage.

Reproduction stage

This entails bulb formation, development and maturity. The crop should be supplied with adequate nutrients during this stage in order to achieve the best.

Spraying it with GOLDCHANCE SUPER FLOWERS & FRUITS 50g/20l or LEGENDARY 40ml/20l or DIMIPHITE 20ml/20l or GREENPHITE 50ml/20l or VITABOR GOLD helps in;

  • Maintaining leaf growth
  • Maintaining early growth and bulb development
  • Maximizing dry matter and general quality of the bulbs
  • Maintaining bulb firmness and size
  • Ensuring ripening and early maturity
  • Improving the storage quality of the bulbs

Potassium-rich basal fertilizers like NPK 17:17:17 should be applied during this stage.


  • Spray the crop with OPTIMIZER 10ml/20l at all stages. It is an organic seaweed biostimulant for crop growth and stress management.
  • All basal fertilizers (e.g. DAP, CAN, etc.) and manure should be mixed with HUMIPOWER at the rate of 1kg Humipower into 50kg fertilizer or 1 ton of manure. It is an excellent soil amendment and fertilizer blend.
  • Whenever spraying the foliar fertilizers, it is advisable to always mix them with INTEGRA 3ml/20l. This is a sticker, spreader and penetrant which improves the absorption level of the fertilizer by the foliage of the crop.
  • Fertilizer application timing has a significant effect on crop yields. Proper timing of the fertilizer application increases yields, reduces nutrient losses, increases nutrient use efficiency and prevents damage to the environment.
  • Repeat foliar sprays on weekly basis while still monitoring the general performance of the crop.

Last updated on Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 9:05 pm

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