Nursery Management (TLO)

It is the desire of every farmer to achieve 100% germantion of his seeds and be in a position to protect the seedlings against soil borne fugal infections and soil borne pests.

Proper nursery Management is one of the core crutial activity as it is the first step to a farming endeavor. Most farmers end up being devastated after sawing their seeds in the nurseries then they end up not  achieving 100% germination of the seeds due to seed dormancy while those that germinate also stand a higher chances of either being attacked by soil borne pest like cut warms or soil borne disease like dumping off and Downy mildew.

It is the desire of every farmer to achieve 100% germantion of his seeds and be in a position to protect the seedlings against soil borne fugal infections and soil borne pests . Greenlife Crop Protection team has came up with new technologies to ensure this is possible. One of the technologies is to apply TLO where T stands for Trinity Gold® 452WP, L stands for Loyalty® 700 WDG and O stands for Optimizer®.

Trinity Gold® 452WP is a superior fungicide with a combination of three molecules ( Copper Oxychloride, Cymoxanil and Mancozeb)  which makes it the ultimate choice against all soil borne disease like dumping off and root rot.

Loyalty® 700 WDG is a systemic insecticide with high residue effect that protect seeds against all soil borne pest like cut worms .

Optimizer® is a pure natural fermented seaweed liquid bio fertilizer enriched with NPK and containing natural plant hormones (Auxins, cytokinesis, Giberine) which act as a catalyst in breaking seed dormancy. It also enhance uniform germination.

How to apply

Last updated on Friday, August 25, 2023 at 2:50 pm

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