Mango Production

Mango is the most important fruit in the tropics , with the industry expanding in size and geographical location with the crop grown in various counties in Kenya. Its produce for consumption as fresh fruits or processing for juices and fruit jams

Mango is the most important fruit in the tropics , with the industry expanding in size and geographical location with the crop grown in various counties in Kenya. Its produce for consumption as fresh fruits or processing for juices and fruit jams


Various varieties are cultivated with differences appearing in shape, colour, taste, fibre content, Seed size and pests and disease resistance. This varieties include;

  1. Apple
  2. Ngowe
  3. Kent
  4. Keitt
  5. Tommy Artikins
  6. Vandyke
  7. Haden and sensation


Mangoes require deep soils with a spacing of 8-10 m and a depth of between 1 cubic meter to 0.5 m cubic. In preparing the hole mix the top soil with a debe of manure and a compound fertilizer, preferably NPK mixed with HUMIPOWER, a soil conditioner at a rate of 1KG in every 50kg fertilizer.



This is done to maintain the shape, size and canopy management. Either formative pruning done at the first year to ensure the right shape or structural pruning which follows harvesting to improve yield and quality. Once pruning is done, Spray with CUSTODIA 700 WDG at 10g in 20L of water to manage bacterial diseases.


For farmers to attain high yield, pest free and high quality Mango fruits, Insect pests across all stages of growth including Flushing, Flowering stages, pinhead and early stages of fruit development and also during fruit maturity the stage MUST be controlled at all cost.

Mango fruit fly

It lead to more than 50% loss of mango fruits. Females lays eggs on the surface of fruits, the maggots penetrate and destroy the fruit leading to rotting and fruit fall. They attack fruit across all stages of growth including Flushing, Flowering stages, pinhead and early stages of fruit development and also during fruit maturity the stage.

  • LEXUS 247 SC at 8ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Has a long residue effect to control pests over long periods, but with Low PHI hence health Friendly.)
  • KINGCODE ELITE 50 EC at 10ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Superior double Molecule  insecticide with Contact and Systemic action against a wide range of pests)

Mango seed weevil

Mango seed weevil is spread by transportation of infested fruits which develops within the mango seeds. This damages the export quality of the fruits. It should be controlled from flower bud initiation

  • EMERALD 200 SL at 10ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Has a strong systemicity thus able to eradicate the pest within the fruit)
  • KINGCODE ELITE 50 EC at 10ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water(Superior double Molecule  insecticide with Contact and Systemic action against a wide range of pests)

Scales and Mealybugs

These pests are noticed by visible honey dew/sooty mold which leads to ants invasion reducing the quality of fruits due to gummy deposits and compromise on the colour and skin texture.

As fruits mature and carbohydrates are converted into sugars(fructrose), the sugars and scent produced attracts ‘Sugar loving pests’ pests like Mealybugs and scales . Mealybugs feed on the sugars and excrete honeydew which leads to secondary infection by black sooty mold which makes the fruits unsightly and unpalatable.

  • EMERALD 200 SL at 10ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Has a strong systemicity and long residual effect making it ideal solution against scales and mealybugs)
  • LEXUS 247 SC at 8ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Has a long residue effect to control pests over long periods, but with Low PHI hence health Friendly.)

Gall midge

These are insect pests whose symptoms are seen as galls on the leaf surface, this galls affects the leaf photosynthetic ability leading to defoliation, leaf chlorosis and twig die back.

  • TAMARADO 500 SC at 6ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Give your Mango trees unmatched protection from Gall Midge)
  • LEXUS 247 SC at 8ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Has a long residue effect to control pests over long periods, but with Low PHI hence health Friendly.)


In the journey of Mango Production, farmers encounter several challenges which lead into losses. Key among the challenges are the disease causing fungi which cause significant losses if not controlled.

In Mangoes, the Diseases of Economical importance are Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose and rust .These diseases attack mango trees at the stages of Flushing, Flowering, fruit development and some like Anthracnose extend to post-harvest.

If farmers can solve the challenges of fungal infections, they are on the right path to successful Mango Production. But now, the challenge has been getting the perfect fungicide.

Powdery mildew

This is a fungal infection that attacks leaves, buds, flowers and young fruits leading to defoliation. The spread is favoured by humid weather with infected areas covered by whitish powdery growth.

  • ABSOLUTE STAR 400 SC at 10ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (A long lasting solution to mango diseases by ensuring infected plant parts are cured and reoccurrence prevented as well as protecting healthy flush leaves, Flower panicles and fruits from attack by diseases.)
  • RANSOM 600 WP at 12g + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Has both contact and systemic activity for resistance management.)

Mango anthracnose

It is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides var minor. Spore production by this fungus is favoured by wet or humid weather. The
dispersal of these spores is particularly favoured by rain and wind. It is one of the most serious diseases of mangoes in many areas where the crop is grown. The most devastating effects of anthracnose occur in areas where it rains during the mango flowering and fruit set stages.

Symptoms are: On leaves, spots are tan to dark brown in colour, often with a darker border. Infection of young leaf flushes may occur when their emergence coincides with rainy weather. These infections often show up as lesions along the margins of the young bronze or pale green leaves. On newly formed fruit  shows as large, sunken, black lesions and the fruits so affected drop off. Medium to large green immature fruit affected with pre-harvest anthracnose show large lesions which are glossy, black and sunken. With these fruit, splits and oozing often occurs.

  • ABSOLUTE STAR 400 SC at 10ml + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (A long lasting solution to mango diseases by ensuring infected plant parts are cured and reoccurrence prevented as well as protecting healthy flush leaves, Flower panicles and fruits from attack by diseases.)
  • RANSOM 600 WP at 12g + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water (Has both contact and systemic activity for resistance management.)
  • TRINITY GOLD 452 WP at 50g + 3ml INTEGRA in 20L of water

Mango Nutrition

In all Flowering fruits the number of flowers, retention of such flowers and quality of the resulting fruits determine the production and consequently the resulting profits. This fact is no exception to Mango tree flowers and Fruits.

For proper flowering in Mangoes, the flush leaves need to be many and well nourished. It’s these leaves that photosynthesis to feed flower buds and flower panicles. They in particular influence the intensity of flower setting and the length of flower panicles.

Boron deficiencies- the deficiency is particularly evidence during flowering leading to flower and fruit abortion, Cracking of fruit is the characteristic symptom of boron deficiency, Lusterless leathery leaves with thickened veins are the other associated symptoms, Brown areas in yellow fruit pulp are conspicuous. it Improves fruit size and quality.

Apply VITABOR GOLD at 20ml in 20L of water or ZINCABOR at 20ml in 20L of water before flowering and during fruit development

Zinc deficiencieszinc deficit leads to ‘little leaf symptom’ whereby the leaves become small and general dwarfness of the plant with a general characteristic of chlorotic foliage.

Apply ZINC GOLD at 20ml in 20L of water or ZINCABOR at 20ml in 20L of water at all growth stages to rectify Zinc deficiency.

Root development/immunity boosterThis is integral particularly at onset of rains to enhance feeding and plant immunity.

We offers a complete foliar fertilizer 24:24:18+TE enriched with hormones and micro elements, called LAVENDER at a rate of 20 ml/20 liters. To Nourish these flush leaves, a foliar fertilizer with well balanced NPK ratios is recommended. To achieve this and consequently attain high and quality yield, Mango Farmers should spray with Lavender Total during the Mango flushing stage.

In addition to flushing stage, Lavender Total should also be used at pin-head stage. At this Stage it promotes cell division and elongation for large fruits as well as preventing premature fruit fall. At least two sprays at pinhead stage is recommended at 14 days interval.

Fruit quality and Ripening- For the flowering and fruit development stages mangoes require higher percentage of potassium (K), GOLDCHANCE SUPER FLOWERS AND FRUITS (NPK 12.5.45 + TE) is the Top class Foliar Fertilizer to supply the highly needed Potassium.

In addition to the high potassium levels, GOLDCHANCE SUPER FLOWERS AND FRUITS contains chelated trace elements which improve the overall performance of the Mango trees in photosynthesis, assimilation of photosynthates as well as accelerated absorption and utilization of other nutrients. To get the best out of GOLDCHANCE SUPER FLOWERS AND FRUITS, timing of application is key. Main stages of application are bud breaking stage, full bloom and fruit maturity stage.

Last updated on Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 10:54 am

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