Know-how for your Agribusiness

Achieve more when farming with us!

Here at Greenlife Crop Protection Africa, we offer farmers of Africa support to grow their know-how, market, and capital bases.

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Crop Protection Cucumber

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Our Primary Focus

Our focus is on the supply of a wide range of quality and affordable crop protection, crop nutrition, pest control products, and general agricultural consultancy.

We are strategically positioned and adequately endowed to serve all the agricultural domains across the country giving each farmer a specialized advisory consultancy and tailor-made crop protection products to meet their specific needs.

  • Our Vision

    To be the model and reference company for quality agrochemicals, seeds, farm equipment, public health and crop nutrition products in Africa.

  • Our Mission

    To ensure every farmer has knowledge that adds value and contributes not only to food security but impacts significantly on their economic power

Greenlife Crop Protection Africa

What crop solutions farmers are reading now.

Greenlife Crop protection Africa- Greenlife Crop Protection Africa

Powdery Mildew of Roses

Rose powdery mildew is a disease of roses caused by the fungus Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae. It forms what looks like a white powder over the surface area of the rose leaves, and may also spread to the stems and new rose buds.

Greenlife Crop protection Africa- Greenlife Crop Protection Africa

Coffee feeding

For optimum production, the crop should be provided with a proper nutrition. This includes both macro and micronutrients which is achieved through application of basal and foliar fertilizers. After pruning your coffee trees well, hoed up the weeds, then apply fertilizer.

Greenlife Crop protection Africa- Greenlife Crop Protection Africa

Septoria Leaf Spot of Tomato

Septoria leaf spot is caused by a fungus, Septoria lycopersici and is one of the most destructive diseases of tomato foliage. Infection can occur at any stage of plant development.

Greenlife Crop protection Africa- Greenlife Crop Protection Africa

Nursery Management (TLO)

It is the desire of every farmer to achieve 100% germantion of his seeds and be in a position to protect the seedlings against soil borne fugal infections and soil borne pests.